Monday, May 23, 2011

Lucky Long Weekend

Talk about lucky... I know, right? Us! Lucky on the long weekend! The original forecast called for our Victoria day long weekend was rain, all weekend long. But Friday was nice, Saturday was nice, even Sunday, though a bit cloudy, was nice. The rain started to fall gently yesterday [and rumor has it, it's going to stick around for the rest of the week] But we had a great long weekend! And suddenly everywhere you look the grass is green, leaves are emerging, flowers [tulips and daffodils] are beginning to bloom. Guess what else is in full bloom... You guessed it, these little gems:

I just hate dandelions... I mean they're lovely and yellow, and cheery... But to drive anywhere in our city, and see them growing out of control, is kind of... Well, for lack of a better word, white-trash-ish. You know what I'm saying? And then when they go to seed, it's even worse. I have to say, they're out of control around here and it makes me kind of sad. But my kids have always brought me these little bouquets, and they're so pleased with themselves at doing so. As soon as they bloom, I am guaranteed to get a bouquet every few days. [I'm entering this picture in this weeks Texture Tuesday. The texture used in this photo is yesteryear, check out the link below]


Because our spring is so late this year, our fruit flowering trees [crab apples and ornamental trees] haven't bloomed yet. Our neighboring yard has a Mayday tree, which will hopefully bloom soon. I'm already imagining the intoxicating smell it will bring. I can't wait! I just love spring. Now with a gentle rain falling, and everything getting the water it needs, we just need a little bit of sun, and the city will be in full bloom. It's so pretty, that we can almost forget winter....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Cute! I love dandelions:)