Wednesday, August 18, 2021

PL2021 - Week 28 | Sahlin Studio

Flashback to week 28 of my project life album. 

The first few week of July was super hot and humid. 

Then the hot stayed, but the smoke settled in. We've been luckier some days than others, but it's been relatively hot and smoky. Not an awesome combination. 

  • I will never tire of these sweet wild flower bouquets that get brought home to me. I suspect my days for getting them are numbered.
  • Floating down the little red deer river, it was just as much fun as promised. Thanks Carrie!
  • On the nights we get a sunset, the hazy skies put on a show. Other nights the sun just disappears. 
  • Snuck Madelyn in to her first 18+ event. [That is certainly a picture of good parenting] It did help to know a guy in the band... Who in turn knew the event coordinator. 

The following Sahlin Studio products were used: 

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