Friday, May 13, 2016

WITL - Thursday - Photos + Words

Here are my Photos + Words for Thursday:

Mason in the bathroom, fixing his hair with gel. Finally... He's using some product and styling his hair a little bit. It's taken a long time to get here.

Mason's ridiculously heavy backpack and lunch, waiting to head out the door.

This morning it was raining pretty hard. And it actually turned into snow, and snowed for about an hour. Not much accumulated on the ground in Calgary any way, some areas outside of the city had more, and it did accumulate. We're thankful for some moisture. It's been super dry. Everything needs the moisture. Barry and Libby watching Mason head to the bus.

Our morning routine doesn't differ too much. Here Mad's getting her lunch out of the fridge. As usual, Libby is trying to entice someone into playing with her.

I love finding Madelyn's little notes. This water bottle was in the fridge with a "Put ice in me" note attached. [So I did just that]

Breakfast for the dog. 

We usually have a bit of snuggle time in the morning. She yips at me until I pick her up, and then she snuggles in my arms. Usually while I'm having my coffee and reading through blogs and emails.

Not a great photo, but awesome to see the water streaming out of the eaves trough.

Guess who waits in the bathroom while I shower...

Working on my project life album. [This week I'm working on week 16, which also happens to be the week I was in Mexico, so it's been a lot of fun reminiscing.]

These days, there always seems to be weapons laying around. Mace still truly plays, I'm grateful for it. He'll grow up soon enough.

I went out for coffee and to a book sale this afternoon, with a friend. She drove. I meant to take a picture of the warehouse, but completely forgot.

Picking my girl up from school. I put this photo on IG. She promises me she'll never stop holding my hand, but I'm sure we don't have much time left... So I grab that sweet little hand whenever it's offered, because I know from experience, it stops...

 Thursday = Flyers. LOVE looking through flyers. Always have.

Sometimes, from her vantage point on the stair landing, Libby surveys the house. Love when her little head pokes through the railing to see where I am/what I'm up to. 

For dinner tonight, Maple Roasted Ham, mashed potatoes and salad. Barry's idea. It's such a treat to have dinner be someone else's idea for a change. I can't be the only one who feels that way.

Barry, Mason and a couple more Scouts, heading out the door to the driving range. Too bad the night is crummy. They're going to be cold. Only a few more weeks of Scouts and Girl Guides left.

School council meeting. Only one more of these left for the year. For the first time, in all my years at this school, I felt like the 'old mum'. Eeks... I'm super glad all the young ones are so eager. We certainly need eager. Also, my name is now officially off the agenda, as my position of Volunteer Coordinator has come to an end.

Text and photo from my Mum. I was in need of a west coast ocean photo. Mexico was nice, but the west coast... That's where my heart is...

Home finally... Council meeting ran late tonight. We often go for a drink after, but not tonight. Lucky me to find a nearly finished slurpee to finish off. 

There's a look at my photos + words for Thursday.

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