Friday, May 27, 2016

PL2016 - Week 15

The last week was rather a blur. Our sweet little Libby was under the weather. I'm not sure exactly what it was she was ailing from, even the vet was unsure. To find out that kind of information means handing over your first born Visa and running 'tests'. If you don't have a pet, you would be shocked to see just how quickly dollar signs accumulate, when you begin to run tests on an animal.

Since she wasn't in distress, had no temperature, wasn't dehydrated, and her heart rate was normal, the vet went with treating her for a possible Gastrointestinal Bug or a possible Pancreatic Bug. We began treating for both...

In 4 days, I made 3 trips to the vet.

By day 4, I was feeling slightly frantic. Because I'm WAY MORE ATTACHED TO THIS DOG, than I should be. Especially KNOWING, I'm going to outlive her by a good 20-40 years...

By day 4, I was willing to do whatever it took to get her back to normal again.

This all started in the wee hours of Tuesday May 16th, and FINALLY, on Sunday, May 22nd, she seemed more like herself. By Monday, she was obviously on the mend... Thank GAWD...

My heart SO can't take this. I therefore, hereby proclaim, this is to be my first and last dog. Ever.
Confined to the kitchen, she is, not very happy at all. 

And if she thought she was unhappy before... Well, the blue, cone of shame, most definitely didn't add to her self-esteem.

This was the arsenal that had to be dealt with, for 10 days... All of these had different instructions of course.  I had to make charts so I could keep track of what she'd had, and what she needed to have.

Like I said, LAST DOG.

Onto less stressful things, like my project life album. Here's a look at Week 15.

This takes us back to the week before Barry and I went to Mexico. This girls room... It's in shambles most of the time, and she's okay with it. I on the other hand, am not. But we could battle about this day and night. So, I try to close her door and ignore it. Something we weren't counting on, before we left for Mexico, was our sink backing up. The afternoon before we left. After hours of trying to fix it ourselves [and by 'ourselves' I mean, my husband] we ended up having to call in a plumber. Thankfully, he was able to fix it, so we could go away, not having to worry about that issue. This was the week Miss Madelyn got Stump, her hamster [happier days, because Stump is already no longer with us... He only lasted 5 weeks. That's a heart wrenching post for another time] Walking girls did a great big walk from Sandy Beach into Mission, the day was incredible. Miss Libby got a hair cut. Waiting for a haircut. Barry and I in Mexico. Life IS good indeed.

I was not pleased about the hamster, even though it was my own doing [I made a deal with Madelyn at a weak moment] However as far as hamsters go, he was a cute little fella. When it was clear something was wrong, I felt really bad...

I love the 'high' and 'low' point tags from this kit. So many ways to use these embellishments. I chose to highlight the high and low of our week. [Although another 'high' for sure, was our arrival in Mexico]

The following Sahlin Studio product was used:

Highs and Lows - Elements
Highs and Lows - Journal Cards
Highs and Lows - Papers

1 comment:

Eva said...

I know what yo mean about being attached to a dog... hence we've only had one! So glad Libby is her old self again :)