It's been a little bit inconvenient... I'm not going to say who it's been more inconvenient for, myself of Barry, because that would certainly start an argument. [Ah heck, I think I'm the most displaced person in this scenario... ;-)]
Having said that, it's been really foreign to disclose daily information to my husband. You know, the 'daily life' stuff, that under normal circumstances, doesn't come up in conversation. For example, going for coffee. I'm sorry, but I just have to say that getting together for coffee is quite a common occurrence between most girlfriends... Not only that, it's a necessity... And in usual times, times that I have my own car parked in the driveway, it's not a subject that comes up. Ever. Being a stay at home mum is my job, and like any job, there are a few perks. Sometimes the boss takes you for lunch. Sometimes you get a Friday off. Sometimes you get a vest with the company name on it. Sometimes you go for coffee with your colleagues.
For me, going for coffee is a delightful part of my job. Like I don't ask him the specifics of his job, but all of a sudden he wants to know stuff like "How many coffee dates do you have in a week?" I have to admit, this week was a bit unusual, I've had 3... That doesn't mean every week I have 3. I mean come on, the groceries got picked up, meals have been served at dinner time, the house is tidy, laundry is done, beds are all made, cookies have been made [and consumed in 2 days.... C'mon guys, they could last at least a week] I've even managed to do a little bit of work for Barry in the mix... I'm doing my job. And I'm doing it well.
So coffee dates are my perk and they're certainly non-negotiable...
Come back to me little truck... Please come back...
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