Thursday, August 27, 2009

1st Day of Grade Two

We did it. We had our first day of grade two. Being at the school this morning was so exciting. A sea of kids, all dressed in their best clothes, with new shoes and back packs and parents. On the first day of school, it's not hard to distinguish the working mom's and the stay at home moms. There is the 'dress' clothes, and the casual clothes.

The class lists were posted on a window, and getting to them was a bit of an ordeal. Mason didn't really seem to care, he was to busy scouting out friends.

The bell rang, and one of the teachers said "Say good bye to your Mom's and Dad's." And they did, and off they went through the doors... And it all happened so fast, I didn't even get a picture of it!

Thankfully I took the 'First Day of Grade Two' pose, outside our house.
[ And no, he doesn't have a new back pack, OR new shoes, OR new clothes... But he is such a cutie patootie!] We're waiting for the mall madness to die down, before we even venture into one. Besides, it was HOT today, so shorts were perfect. His school is all about the three R's, reduce, re-use and recycle. So he told me he wanted to re-use last years back pack and lunch box. Talk about efficient.

Here's a picture of Mason and Barry, walking up to the school. We had to park a ways away, parking is always at a premium on the first day. [Mason insists on wearing a ball cap to school, and these two boys looks so cute in their matching caps]

And little Miss Maddy G, was insistent that "Mason was getting all the attention, and why don't you take MY picture". So I did... And man, I LOVE those long legs of mine! All kidding aside, it was Mason's special day of going back to school. She starts preschool in September, and I assured her, there would be PLENTY of pictures of her then. That seemed to be a good enough answer.

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