My goodness, have you ever realized how much time can be wasted blogging?
Seriously, 4 years ago, when I was in the work-force,
SAHM, a blog or ‘web blog’ was kind of ‘out there’. Who on
EARTH would do that? And now,
WHO doesn’t? (In fact, it’s a good thing that blogs were not common when I was working, or I know
EXACTLY what my termination papers would have said)
It’s so very easy to get caught up in reading up, catching up and getting up-to-date on the on-goings of other peoples lives… I have numerous (and I won’t put the specific number, because it’s demented) blogs that I like to check out on a regular basis. And yes, by regular, I do mean daily. I feel like these
bloggers are my close personal friends, after all, I know so much about them! But truthfully, they are still just strangers that I love from afar. And it’s SO darn time consuming. Most of the time, I can read my few blogs, check my email, and carry on with my day. But on occasion, I read a blog, and find a link to something that blogger thinks is neat, check it out, find a link that, THAT blogger thinks is neat, and check it out, and so on and so on. Sometimes I’m sure I’
ve jumped through 25 blogs, and wonder how the heck I found myself on this blog, and where the heck has the past hour gone?
The last few days for me have been like that. The countless hours I’
ve wasted, is utterly shameful. And yet, I found a WHOLE NEW WORLD out there! My favorite blogs are scrapbook, card and stamping related for the most part but this week, I found
this… and can you believe it,
Isn’t it great?! And part of me wants to get involved with them too! To leave my two cents, try out some recipes. Take pictures! I can hardly keep up with the things I’m SUPPOSED to be doing on a regular basis, let alone try to add to that.
I find when I spend so much time on the computer, I get great ideas, all saved in different categories of course. The problem is the ideas build and build and build until working on anything seems daunting, because there are so many things I want to work on! And I just don’t know where to start.
The main reason I started my own blog was for this: to have my on-line type journal, to go back to a time from now and remember with fondness some of the things that have transpired. It’s about our ‘every day’ which does seem so very mundane at the time, but we hold onto those cherished thoughts and memories after they’re gone. It's tough work growing a 3 ½ and a 6 ½ yr old, but one day I’ll look back at the fact they
didn’t eat, as being our biggest worry, and I’m sure I’ll wish that was my biggest worry again. So what I need to do, is focus on MY blog, for me. Perhaps I really need to spend some time thinking about how much time I invest into other people’s lives, that I should be investing in my own.
Hmmmm, that got much deeper than I meant to, I think I've had a revelation. I've suddenly realized where one of my major time wasters is...
The moral of my story, I’m not going to become a foodie, though I DO want to try out
these... And I'm really going to attempt to NOT get so pulled into other peoples perfect ideas for memory keeping. No matter how many memories you've captured, it just sometimes doesn't feel like enough. And I AM good at
capturing our own families memories, at least I think so. No more blog surfing for awhile, I'm going to try and keep on track of the things that actually matter.